Yesterday i went to my local club to play a 1000 point game against a guy there. I changed my list a bit to try out some demolition action with Harkers squad.
CCS: Straken, medic, 2 laspistols with close combat weapons,2 bodyguards, carapace armor and vox.
PCS: Vox and heavy bolter HWT.
Infantry squad 1: grenadelauncher, HWT with missile launcher and vox.
Infantry squad 2: grenadelauncher, HWT with missile launcher and vox.
HWT 1: 3 Missile launchers.
HWT 2: 3 autocannons.
Veteran squad: Harker, 2 melta, flamer and 1 demolition charge.
Ogryns: 2 ogryns + bone ead
1 scout sentinal squad: 1 with autocannons and 1 missile launcher
1 chapter captain with 5 terminators with stormshield and thunderhammers in a Landraider.
1 razorback twinlinked assualtcannons with 5 spacemarines(one vet sergeant)
1 razorback twinlinked assualtcannons with 5 spacemarines(one vet sergeant)
5 scouts with sniper riffles(one vet sergeant)
With a few upgrades i cant remember in my head. Extra armor and captain was armed with some kind of a power weapon and more i cant remember, but basically that's it
Mission: Capture and control.
Deployment: Dawn of War.
My opponent won first turn..
1st turn: Night fight.
We both place our objectives in our corner furthest away from each others armies and he deploy his Landraider and 1 razorback closest to my forces as possible. 1 razorback in defense and his unit of scouts in the ruin with the objective.
My eyes almost starts tearing up when i see him pulling his landraider up from his bag.. armor 14... my strongest cannons have str 8.. How am i gonna stop this monster?!
I decide to turtle up in the ruins in the button of my left side. Everything but 1 infantry squad and my pcs is dedicated at stopping his advance. I placed my objective near the ruins hoping if i couldn't stop them i could maybe contest it while Harker sneak in and grabs his objective. I deploy Straken and his boys + the ogryns ready to move in and act as meat shield for my squishy squads. Straken have not yet let me down in my 4 games and he is about to begin the ultimate test...
He got first turn AND it is night fight.. this means he gets two turns of driving towards me without me doing much shooting. 1st turn nothing really happens... he drives forward, rolls to see if he can see anything and he cant. His snipers notice something in the ruins and fires, so does his razorback. My inf squad and pcs makes the saves. I fire with about half my weapons and i didn't penetrate anything. I move Strakens squad + the ogryns forward!
Turn 2: Here comes the pain...!
He drives his landraider in front of Straken and his terminators + captain rushes out! His las cannon hits the auto cannon sentinel and it explodes. His scouts shots some more on the inf squad and 1 dies. His razorback shots at my pcs and they do their saves.
His terminator squad charges in and engages both Strakens squad and my ogryns, which ends in me killing 1 terminator and me loosing 1 bodyguard 2 vets, gets one wound on Straken and 1 ogryn gets 1 wound! Strakens squad holds the line but the ogryns run..!
My turn, my ogryns rally and consolidate 3 inces towards the terminators! Marbo and Harkers boys comes in from just the right side! Overly joyed i realize that Marbo coming in was a very bad thing.. All my opponents units are inside razorbacks cept for the sniper squad(which Harker can take care of) and the engaged terminators.... I decide to try and blow up the razorback with his demo charge.
I try to pop the razorback so Marbo can throw his demolition charge in the marines faces. I failed... As a last resort Marbo throws it on the razorback and misses!! After the failure i realize i still had one sentinel left with a missile launcher and i penetrate and its wrecked! His marines are climbing out and gets pinned.
Back to Harkers boys. I throw the demolition charge in the snipers faces and misses again. My flamer, meltas and rapid firing lasguns nails 2 and the rest runs over the board(Might not have been pretty much they got the job done).

Back to the terminators.. The ogryns charges the terminators again and to everyone's surprise.. Straken and the ogryns wipes the terminators...! Only the captain survives.. who immediately flees(I am getting the fuck away from that)!
Hes runs 2 incs and i consolidate behind him to use him as a meat shield to gain a cover save. Not a bad turn for me!
Turn 3: Who is gonna win?!
The intact razorback drives towards Harkers squad and fires its weapons. Harkers squad takes 3 wounds but passes their moral test. The captain auto rallies and choose to move back while firing at Straken but misses.
My Turn Harkers boys moves towards the razorback and my opponent remembers that the boys are carrying meltas... My Ogryns moves towards the pinned marines and Straken and marbo(with melta bombs) charges the Landraider. Harkers boys nails the razorback and it explodes! 2 marine dies in the explosion and the rest passing their pinning test.
On the Landraider Straken and Marbo fails to damage the Landaraider with absolutely horrible rolls!
Turn 4: Get to the choppah!
The space marines jumps into the Landraider and drives towards the objective..! In the other corner his marines fires on Harkers boys and they take 2 more wounds.
The land raider puts 1 wound one one autocannon HWT and kills another.
The captain shots marbo.
My turn, Straken charges the landraider. the captain dies to massed fire from my infantry and heavy weapons team and Harkers boys manages to kill only one space marine!
Straken glances the Landraider but only rolls 1!
Turn 5: The end that would never finish!
The marines charges Harkers boys and kills 1, who in return do nothing, the pass the leadership test. The landraider drives to the objective and unloads the marines who rapid fires into the the auto cannons and kills one more, landraider puts another wound on the last HWT.
My turn i move my sentinel into position to shot at the marines near the Landraider. Straken runs with the ogryns towards my own objective along with the infantry squad and the last heavy weapon team. Its a race! I pour all my fire into the 5 marines and only manages to kill 2 with 4 missile launchers and rapid fire from 6 lasguns! Realizing my mistake and that i can actually loose the game i run my pcs and inf squad towards his objective! My inf squad charges the marines, loosing and runs of the board!
Turn 6: Dogfight!
His marines jump back in the Landraider and it fires at the sentinel which destroys it.
Marines vs Harkers boys end in a draw with no wounds.
My turn Straken charges the laindraider thanks to his bionic arm, blows it up! The marines looses one marine. 2 left..... Harkers boys kills 1 marine and the last marines fails to kill any! He passes his leadership test tho my last hope of pulling a turn 7 win is gone.
Turn 7: Game Over.
The game ends and we are overly joyed over the most intense game any of us have had so far. Its my game 5 and his game 4 so we are both very new to the game and our armies. It ended in a draw and we hand shook and agreed that we need a another game soon.

I think what could happen, happened in this game and i learned a very valuable lesson. Never be lazy and think you won when you haven't. I should have moved my PCS towards the razorback when it went down. I might not have made it but i might have. The Landraider was a nightmare and i really need some hard punch in my 1500 list. Maybe a vendetta gunship and a HWT las cannons?
The demolition charges failed me this game, but it just shows that i was unlucky,one game doesn't prove anything i will keep testing it in the next few games as well.
Thanks for watching, i hope you enjoyed the battle report. Critic is always welcome so i can improve on making battle reports and use more tactics.