1. Space Wolves in Rhinos and bikes cover the board extremely fast! Even without tubo boosting his bikes managed to roll up and devastate Harkers devils which is stupidly did not put in cover. He killed 6 lasgunners and Harker, 1 flamer and the the 2 meltas ran of.... Harker managed to save a little face, by gunning down a wolfen on a bike. His Rhinos where in front of me in my turn 2!
2. Infantry squads can put down some hurt if given orders. My platoon squad and infantry squad almost wiped a full biker squad in my turn 1(with ALOT of help from the dice gods! Alotta 6, but still!)
3. Auto cannons are not as powerful as i was let to believe.. Next game i am switching half my Heavy weapons teams to rocket launchers. Their ability to use either Krak(strength 8 or Frag missiles strength 4 but blast template) would come in more handy than a strength 7 team with 2 attacks..
4. Ogryns hit damn hard with Strakens aura but 3 ogryns are not enough to win a close combat against a full grey hunter squad. I am gonna boost it up to 5 and i found out i really need a squad to first engage the enemy and then move the ogryns in for the deathkill. I am thinking about putting the Heavy weapons teams between strakens command squad and the ogryns near him. Bring it and ill stomp ya silly! Straken can then call bring it down on the two HWT teams, which i saw is deadly!
5. Marbo can do serious damage!... if he don't scatter his demo charge;) i could have taken out a full squad Grey hunters, but it scattered 4 inces and it only covered 2(which died) and he then got hammered by a melta afterward...
6. My sentinels are very good as a speed bumb, they lasted for 2 turns engaged with 7 marines(one with a powerfist) and there was still 2 left when Straken cleaned up.
7. Straken is a beast in close combat! He nailed 4 marines on the charge. His ability to ignore armor saves makes him the bane of marines. WS 5 along with strength 7 on the charge is insane!
8. Guardsman break very easy in close combat even when they are in greater numbers against space wolves.

Thursday revenge belongs to the Catachans! Space Wolves beware!
Ras signing out.